Thursday, June 17, 2010

Community events!

Last week we got to watch the Junior Rose Festival parade which happens during the week in the afternoon and lucky for us it goes down a street that's on our block! I went to Bailey's school to watch with her and all of the kid's were parked in front of their school sitting on the sidewalk watching the parade. It's one of those parades - that kid's may enjoy but it's kind of kooky... it is the junior parade so lot's of kid's in the parade. :)
I picked up this swing from Craig's list for Parker (and Bailey of course)... right now it's hanging on our front porch which works out nicely for us because Parker loves sitting in it. We continue our search for a large 6' swing to hang on our porch as well... nothing yet but hopefully soon as it would be nice to have on summer days/nights. I sure hope we move full swing into summer as we've had record low temperatures and lot's of spring rain. Boo!!
This past Tuesday Bailey participated in her first track meet! ha There was an 'All Comers Meet' held at Grant High School... the next 4 Tuesdays Bailey will hopefully figure it out and actually start running when they say GO! It took her a while... she started sucking her thumb and then walking and Dave finally got her to run 1/2 way through the 60 yards. Very cute seeing all of the kid's tho... too fun. Although we're hoping for better weather the next few meets and maybe I can challenge Dave to the 1oo meter dash! I'll let you know!

1 comment:

Christy Self said...

OK I think Parker might be one of the happiest babies alive... she always has these great big smiles - in every picture!! too cute...

Maybe Soph will try to hang for the kids run next Tuesday! Watch out Bailey!!