Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Indiana Family Camp

Indiana was one of those whirl wind trips - came in late on Thursday (late like got to my folks house at 12:30am) and off to family camp we went late afternoon on Friday. We met our new nephew Xander, who is about 3 months old, from my brother Christopher and girlfriend Jasmine - very cute!
I hardly got my camera out so not a lot of great shots captured (memories)... we were able to get out of our cool spring weather and into deep heat in Indiana. Very hot and humid... so camping in cabins was quite 'wet'. lovely when you go to bed and your sheets feel damp due to the weather. crazy and forget about that living here in Oregon! But there was sunshine and I do love my sunshine! I do think we did get to see all of the family in the trip - barely but leaving on Monday definitely made for a short trip. We are hoping to be back in November for Thanksgiving! We'll see... I really should look for tickets now - as I know how we work and that is 'last minute'. I love this song by Ziggy Marley... and remember I wanted to put this song to the slide show we put together last year when visiting Indiana. but now with the MAC it's way easier!

1 comment:

Heather said...

love seeing the pics. We missed everyone but hoping for next summer.