Saturday, June 14, 2008

1st big bruise

The photo doesn't show my bruise as well as mom or dad thought it would. Maybe the lighting was different in the photo because my bruise looks a lot better. I had fallen and hit my head at school and then 4 or 5 days later I ran into a friend at school and hit the same spot on my head. It hurt - but I quickly forgot about it and continued on without much disruption.
I also said my first 2 syllable word this week - with Barb my teacher who had a jacket on with a zipper. I am very interested in my zippers on my jackets but especially interested in other people's zippers. Barb taught me how to say 'Zipper" so now I can say it - I use to only say the beginning part 'Zip' but now I can say the entire word and pretty clear. After that mom keeps trying to get me to say other 2 syllable words like Zebra. I know many signs too - more than mom and dad knows that's for sure. My teachers ask me Lot's of sign words and I can do them. but now that I can say certain words - mom always trys to get me to 'say' the word. I will now say 'please' and sometimes I'll do the sign but then will follow up by saying 'pease' which is Please.
On our walks outside whenever there is a plane or bird in the sky I stop and yell at them - you never know who may be able to see you. I also always point out the moon - lately we've been able to see the moon a lot during the early evening (daylight).
I'm glad we are home this weekend as it's been sometime since we've had family visiting and mom working in Eugene. Although I hear we have a busy weekend in town but should be nice weather and lot's of sunshine.

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