Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sunday Parkways

This weekend mom and I had some nice quality time hanging out while Dad was in Seattle with some friends. We kept pretty busy most of the weekend visiting with friends, shopping and going out on Sunday for the new event in our neighborhood 'Sunday Parkways' - they closed down a 6 mile loop of roads and there were so many families, friends kid's, grown ups riding bikes, walking, jogging and having fun. There were 6 parks a long the way where there were music and festivities. We landed at our park near the house to enjoy some reggae music and fun atmosphere. We hope they continue the Sunday Parkways and extend it to other neighborhoods as well.
Mom is heading to Track Town USA -Eugene, OR for the US Olympic Trials tomorrow (today since it's after midnight)! She'll be gone until July 7th so I don't really understand how much I'll miss her... ;) Hopefully dad brings me down to watch some T & F and see mom.
Grammy is coming this weekend to stay with us for the week mom is out of town. It will be fun to have her here and help watch me so dad doesn't have to take me to the 'burbs' for school. I know mom and dad is very thankful Grammy is coming!
If you'd like to check out the schedule for the US Olympic Trials -
also you can go to
for NBC Coverage and where you'll begin to see more on the 'Road to the Olympics'.
P.S. I'm really glad mom isn't going to Beijing - she would be gone again next month! She's over it and glad she doesn't have to 'worry' about dad and I now.

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