Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Yeah, mom's back!

Although I've had a fun week with Grammy in town watching me - I'm sure glad mom is back! I've missed her! Mom took this photo of me on Monday morning on my way to school -since dad hadn't taken any photo's of me and Grammy while she was visiting mom will post a photo that Grammy sends us later. I got this new cool hat to wear to school and to wear during our outside play time and walks outside. I really dig the style and luckily it fits pretty good - just a little big.
While mom was gone Grammy took me to the park and zoo and made play dough that we played with during the afternoons. We also drew on the driveway with chalk - I liked doing that. We did get to visit mom a few times in Eugene and watched a few days of the Olympic trials - I really like to watch the track but after a few hours I must get a way and wonder and climb up and down the stairs and hang from the railings. Mom thinks she will be putting me in a gymnastics class soon enough. Maybe this winter!

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