Wednesday, July 23, 2008

String Summit Music Festival 08

String Summit music festival - otherwise known as hippie fest for us. Where we all can hang out for the weekend and listen to music, run around, hula hoop, dance, play and camp. No cell phones, blackberries or computers just hanging out and actually having conversations with friends. I played a lot with Reece - he's 3 years old, just over a year older but he was nice and we had so much fun playing. I like to wrestle him which mom thought was hysterical. Baby Sophia and the Selfs were new to String Summit this year as well (Reece and family) so that was a nice addition - everyone is in the photo except Brad who took the shot (actually also missing was Cicely, Brad and brand new baby Audrey Waters just 3 1/2 months old - she's a cutie too). I love little babies and am very gentle around them. We ooo'd and ahhh'd and gave everyone a cute show when Sophia and I played. Mom will post a photo of her and I with me sucking my thumb and holding Sophia's ear... that is my trademark and what I do no matter what age you are!
Luckily the festival is very close to Portland, about 30 min. to North Plains where Horning's Hideout is located. One of the evenings as we were walking to the music venue (from camping spot) I saw a peacock - mom and dad were explaining to me that it was a peacock and then later that evening when walking back from the show to the van - it was late and I had been sleeping for some time but I woke up and all I kept saying was 'peacock - peacock - peacock'... mom thought something was wrong with me. I was so tired and learned a new word!

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