Sunday, July 13, 2008

This Friday evening we all went to a nearby park in NE to kick off the start of the Summer concert series in the parks. There are so many different park concerts every night of the week - also at Washington park's amphitheater, they host a popular summer concert series as well as theater. We have plans to head there Tuesday to watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory- I can't wait!
Lately I've been loving to put on either mom or dads socks and wear them around. And as you can see in the photo I was also trying to put on dad's shoes. These are dad's socks I have on- a few people caught a glimpse of me and thought it was pretty funny! Mom said she had to get a photo of it. I like to pull them up really high and dad's socks are almost like leg warmers on me.
We also went to another concert on Sunday evening - we rode our bikes (well Dad pulled me) and we rode to a park and listened to music. However, more of the time I was exploring the playground.
It was a hot weekend - mom bought me a little pool to put in the backyard. Mom and dad had fun airing it up - they used the bike pump but still took them forever. Maybe mom will post a picture of me in the pool soon. I played in it on Sunday afternoon for a little while - I really like to dump the water out of the pool.
I've been putting 2 words together also - 'doggy sleep' (there's a photo above the bed downstairs that has a yellow lab sleeping on the bed)... I have many new words also - too many to list but I know more than my parents think I know.

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