Saturday, January 1, 2011

The day after Christmas we went hosted some neighbors over to celebrate Carrie's 40th birthday (her birthday is on Christmas) - Carrie lives directly across the street from us. We gathered at our house for a few cocktails and bites to eat and then headed with the families to the bowling alley. Dave was super excited to bowl - but after a few rolls I think he remembered he wasn't that great. ha Bailey wore her 'super girl' cape - another fun Christmas

present! As soon as Bailey put on the cape, mask and arm bands she immediately became, 'super girl'. How do they know? During the day when she was wearing the 'super girl' outfit she would say,
'super girl has powers' and 'super girl doesn't get tired and doesn't need to nap', 'super girl can fly' but I encouraged her not to try!

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