Saturday, January 1, 2011

Santa came! Although I think the girls (Bailey) was a bit tired from staying up too late on Christmas eve - we made it through all of the presents within 2-3 hours. Luckily I had made a sweet roll the night before and all it needed was some oven time. It made me realize next year I'll need to do more preparation for our Christmas morning and food.
I loved the gift Dave made me - several years ago (maybe 4 or 5) I found this little door at the rebuilding center and I wanted to turn it into a jewelry holder. Hanging my bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc... we plan to add a few hooks to the sides but for the most part I went through all of my jewelry and I'm so excited to be able to see everything hanging. I think I'll
wear more jewelry now that it will be displayed and I'll remember I have it. Pretty nice huh? Dave's gift wasn't as crafty with my ski helmet! :) Parker and Bailey loved all of their presents from their family. and we did too!

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