Monday, April 4, 2011

 Bailey and Parker getting ready to head to the festival - and we some some blue sky's... they came and went throughout the day.
 Ryan a friend of a friend, took some cherry blossom twigs and made 'Betsie' into them.  super cool.
 We had a kid's corner with Face painting and arts and crafts.  Luckily my neighbor Maryann came and is an excellent kid's face painter.  much better than me.
 John (and Kara and Scott) lined up the bands for the day/night.  Love live music...
The barn was two floors, lower level was a kid's play area with a bunch of hay stacks to climb and play on.  big kid's only down there!

 Parker and I danced and danced... bailey did too but not as much with me!
Bailey and dad hanging at the camp fire listening to music.    Overall a fun event and a good way to celebrate Betsie and life in journal.

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