Monday, April 4, 2011

Cherry Blossom time

This weekend we had a break in the weather and Dave and I and the kid's took the bikes to the waterfront where all of the cherry tree's are in full bloom.  I love this time of year seeing all of the tree's in the pinks and whites surround us.  The Race for the roses had just finished up and the market was going so there was lot's of action on the waterfront.  A fun morning!  
 These are the faces you typically see when asked, show us your funny face!  Parker's came about after Pappy and Grammy were visiting and since then always seems to bring it out time and time again.

I'm surprised we got Parker to keep her headband on for more than a few minutes.  She was into the camera though and giving us big smiles and funny faces.  I couldn't get Bailey to take her socks off her hands - so if you look closely that is what is on her hand.  Funny.  Her hands got cold on the bike ride.  Nothing like using socks to keep them warm - I think I remember doing that when I was a kid!

1 comment:

  1. Look how cute you two look!!! Bet you loved seeing all the cherry blossoms!
