Thursday, April 21, 2011

Parker 18 months -

A little late in posting Parker's 18 month's information... she is getting so tall and starting to put a few words together.  She is using the potty in the evening sometimes.  Parker is a happy little baby with that same familiar stubbornness that I remember with Bailey when she was about this age.
Parker - Weighed in at 23.5lbs, 34 3/4" long (she's pretty tall for the 'average' 100 babies).  She loves to put on different people's shoes... we were outside playing across the street at the neighbors and Parker had the basketball was trying to dribble the ball and Dave was bouncing a basketball and she was so focused on trying to figure it out and playing with Dave.  It was so cute and wished I had gotten the action on video - i've been terrible at picking up the video camera.  Click here to view Bailey at 18 months and do some comparing if you'd like.

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