Sunday, May 22, 2011

Camping at the coast...Cape Lookout

It had been too long since we had last camped or gotten away for a night - we had been talking about it all week (which helps a lot if you truly want to get out)... we made it happen.  Even though after getting home Friday night from the play with Bailey (9:30...) and me feeling exhausted and just wanted to go to bed - Dave had already started packing the van and was fired up about heading out which helped me get fired up and before too long we were out the door kid's in the car seat and soon fast asleep... an evening drive for a few hours to the coast - Cape Lookout final destination.
It was great - weather was decent with even a few sunshine breaks - and it was so nice to wake up to the outdoors and hang out all day on the coast.  Kid's were exhausted by 5ish after an early dinner and perfect time to pack them up for the drive back to Portland.  Dave even made it back in time to get the grass cut and run a few errands in preparation for this next weeks camping trip!  The best part was we still had Sunday!

                      One of the firsts' the kite didn't make it up in the air - No Wind at the coast!
                        Which made the temperature actually nice when the sun wasn't out.
Parker walked around with this bucket stuck on her foot for awhile - she kept laughing... 

until she couldn't get the bucket off her foot!

After an early lunch we went to Pacific City (one of my favorite places to visit on the coast) - and still not very built up.
The sun came out and Bailey and Dave headed to the water... well at least they got their feet wet!

1 comment:

  1. I have missed checking in on you guys. Love these pics of your daytrip to the coast.
