Sunday, May 22, 2011

Snow White - the play

Bailey and the Wicked witch (Diedra, friend who is dating our neighbor)...
some time ago we joined, GoldStar - basically offers discount tickets to theater.  Much like 'Groupon'
if you are familiar with that site.  There are some good deals and the tickets for the play
were basically 1/2 off and very easy and simple and I was wondering how the seats would be and they
were good!  I'm sure it depends on the show - I'll have to use again and see how the seats are.   

Bailey and I put on a cute dress and went to the play...
After a long work week, it was fun to hang with Bailey and
take her to a play (1st time for me - Dave took Bailey to her first play).
She was a little nervous at the beginning - she kept asking about the witch and if
she was scary and when was she going to come out.  But as you can tell from the photo
above she didn't look all that scary.  Bailey really liked the play and It really kept me engaged.  

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