Monday, July 23, 2012

Backpacking with the family - 1st Backpacking trip!

 Coming off a busy few weeks with work, we had decided to hit the woods and try our kid's out with backpacking - hiking in a little over a mile to a lake and set up camp.  We did this after 4th of July weekend which was perfect coming off such a busy time.  We headed towards Estacada, OR and then several miles out through forest roads up to Rock Lakes/Shell lake area.
David and I had backpacked this area  with Spire but went a lot further 'in' and it was nice.  Overall the kid's liked, anything with a fire and marshmallows seem to do any tricks that are needed.  The weather was perfect!  

Kai and Scott came with us - Kai is such a good hiker!  Our girls can be
some of the time but they are definitely good for short distances.   Good thing Kai was with us because I'm certain that helped the girls hike better.   

Bailey's large pinecones she wanted to pack up and bring back with us.  

Shell lake was nice - cool mountain water but since the temperatures had
been nice and warm it wasn't too bad (although I didn't get in and swim like
Dave and the girls did).  

Parker likes hanging out in the hamack

Our camp site!  This was the first time we've 'Tent' camped - Bailey
liked bringing her own sleeping bag.  We'll definitely have to figure
something else out for sleeping arrangements if we do this again.
2 pads, 3 sleeping bags for the 4 of us didn't cut it.  

Bailey loved catching 'Newt's'...  they caught several.  Bailey, Parker and Kai loved holding them...

The kid's showing off their 'Newts'. 

Parker was all about finding a walking stick.... our hike back out.  

Bailey getting the inside of the tent set up.  Smile~

At the beginning of the hike we were at about 4,000 feet in elevation and wondered
a bit how much snow we'd see along the way.  Luckily we only saw a few big batches
at the beginning of the hike but the kid's loved seeing the snow.  

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