Monday, July 23, 2012

Swim lessons and other summer fun things...

There are a few more track meets this summer that we'll try and hit - we didn't have
 much time last week since we had swimming lessons but we got there for the 60 meter
race (both girls got blue ribbons) and then Bailey came back and wanted to do the long jump.
She can jump pretty high (and far - 6'). 

The neighbor kid's... playing in Nathan's backyard.  I'm so glad I caught them
all up in the tree...  I think there were 8 kid's in that tree.  

Parker loved swimming lessons... everyday when I
would pick her up from school she was so excited
to go to swim class.  I'm not sure what I'm going to
do this week since we don't have class anymore.  I've tried
explaining but I'm not sure she get's it.  

Bailey practicing her 'kicks'.  She got pretty good swimming in
the water with her chin down, arms out and kicking her 'straight' legs. 

This was definitely Parkers favorite swimming tool.
Parker would go under water, go off the slide by herself (she usually didn't want me to catch her ) she would slide down and touch the bottom of the pool (only 3') and pop back up.  The last day of swim lessons she would put her head in the water and kick her legs.  

Bailey swimming with her head in the water... one of the exercises they
would do daily.  On Friday we finished both girls 2 week (Monday - Friday) swim
lessons.  Everyday is a lot (for us) but the girls loved and I think going everyday really
makes a big difference.  

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