Monday, July 23, 2012

Berry picking in Oregon...

Oregon summer's bring Berry picking season!  Every year I miss picking strawberry's - I think strawberry's are late May - June in Oregon and I always miss it.  Next year - and Freezer Strawberry Jam will be a must!
However, Blueberry's, Marion berry's and raspberry's are in full season and last Friday I took the girls out to Sauvie's Island to go berry picking.  It was so nice... something about being out in nature, picking fruit and watching the girls run around is so peaceful.  The girls ate a lot of berry's and I picked.  Parker finally decided she liked raspberry's too.    

 At the farm, we visited the big Pig... seriously this is a HUGE pig.  The picture doesn't do this animal justice.  Besides the pigs (there were baby pigs also), and chickens running around we didn't see any others.

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