Monday, July 23, 2012

Parker's new outside toys...

Our neighbor MaryAnn, gave Parker one of their bikes they no longer use... Parker was so excited and since has been non-stop riding this bike.
In March, we bought a 'scoot' from another neighbor (they seem to be pretty popular in Portland) - but she has not taken to it all.  She doesn't like to ride and hasn't figured it out.  However, since we've given her this bike she is loving this one.  She's really good at riding.
In fact, during the last week of swimming she would ride this bike to the pool with us.
Parker is all about being a 'big girl'.  I think she feels like this helps her keep up with the other kid's and makes her feel like a big girl!
This is also a New scoot i picked up at a yard sale the other week.
We wanted to get one for Bailey but ended up going with the razor so
when I saw this I thought it was perfect.  How many toys can kid's have???
Sheeezzz  these kid's have all kinds of toys to play with!  Both of these
toys will be great one's to pass on.  

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