Sunday, January 27, 2013

Parker - she's our sweetie pie, and is mostly funny these days.  She has great dance moves and continues to make her funny faces.  She loves when Bailey doesn't have to go to school and is very attached to Bailey most of the time...  If we can't comfort Parker when she is upset Bailey can come to the rescue.  Of course there are times when Bailey is tired of Parker crying or doing something she doesn't like or watching a show she doesn't want to watch and let's Parker know.  Parker gets so upset.
Parker is getting big - she keeps telling us that.  She has been telling us, when I go to sleep, the more I sleep the more I am growing and soon I'll be big like you and dad.  however, until then, there's been a lot of, 'you don't let me do anything.'
Last weekend when we were staying up at the mountain at our friend's place, Dave had told her not to go up the stairs to the unit above us and when she of course was found walking up the stairs, David, said, 'Parker, how many times do I have to tell you' and she interrupted him and said, Dad, how many times do I have to tell you, it's ok!'
Our neighbor's have a 'karaoke' machine and Parker loves to sing... she has no problem singing in front of people!  

Bailey, she continues to be such a character.  She's growing her bangs out - so we've been
clipping them back most of the time.  She's a nice big sister most of the time.  Bailey has been taking Piano lessons and she seems like she really likes.  Sam, her teacher has been great with her.  She continues to show off with her strength and climbs up any door jam she can find.  Yes, we need to get her into gymnastics!  She's been doing well at school and has improved her listening skills since she first started school and something she's been working on.  She likes her teacher but I think Bailey thinks she is strict.  Bailey is still very shy when it comes to meeting new people, speaking, playing or singing in front of anyone... unlike Parker, it takes Bailey a lot more time to even think about picking up the microphone and singing in front of anyone.

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