Sunday, February 24, 2013

It's been awhile since I've posted... I'm thinking this is now going to move to a monthly post!  Life is busy - even with a stay at home dad!  I'm sure Dave would tell you how busy his days are...
A few weeks ago, we woke up to sunshine and quickly I wanted to get out of the house.  After coursing the girls to get dressed and out the door (which is very difficult on Saturday's) we headed to a close by park and took a walk a long the beach where the Willamette and Columbia rivers come together.  It was super foggy by the water but still very pretty and a nice little hike.

Parker saying the boat is 'this' big!  

Dave giving his stern smile... and Go IU!  He's been a huge fan this year.
We don't have cable (antenna) - and although with Xbox live he thought
we'd be able to watch the IU games, but that wasn't the case.  The games
are always blacked out.  Dave figured out a way - and purchased a
cord that plugs into his phone and then plugs into the tv and voila he
can now stream the game and actually watch on the tv.  He's so good
with technology and keeping up with how things work and making
something work for your needs! 

Bailey.... cheese.  

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