Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Parker 4 months!

Parker is 4 months old, here is her stats; 13 lbs, 15 oz and 26" long. 60% in weight and 90% in height. She's doing all the normal things - seems to be less active than Bailey (looking back at Bailey's 4 month time frame, Bailey was rolling all over the place). Parker seems content in most settings and is a very smiley, happy baby.
She's fighting her first cold and I'm hoping it stays just a cold! I'm thinking the 2 days she's 'tried' out daycare in the last few weeks may have prompted her cold! Not really looking forward to that... Next week we start a new routine - back to work for me and Parker will head to Nike with me to the Joe Paterno Child Center for care, while Bailey will stay close to home at Wee Works. I'm hopeful it will all work smoothly.

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