Monday, January 25, 2010

Solarize Northeast!

We are trying to spread the word about an exciting new program in our neighborhood. It’s called Solarize Northeast, and it is an opportunity for those of us in inner North and Northeast Portland to put solar panels on our homes at an unusually low cost, due to a volume purchase arrangement. This volunteer-driven community effort of the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN) is modeled on a project developed by Southeast Uplift. Interested neighbors will join forces to enjoy significant savings through the bulk purchase of solar electric (photovoltaic) panels. The more people who participate, the lower the cost! Dave has went to a few of the volunteer meetings with NECN and we are all trying to do some 'outreach' and hoping people will spread the word. What a great idea! We are excited to see where the program goes since we have been very interested in putting solar panels on our roof (even here in Oregon it works). Not only are we trying to make our home more energy efficient but we'd also like to reduce our utility costs. If you (or family and friends) live in North or Northeast Portland please help us spread the word and/or contact Solarize Northeast.

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