Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I started to blog about Mother's Day last week when I was posting the other photo's but was interrupted and well that's how the week came and went. I often wonder how folks do this - meaning there are too many things I want to do and just not enough time. I had a difficult week last week - you know one of those weeks that makes you stop and think, 'is this really what i want to be doing'? Granted Parker was fighting a cold of some sort and had a temperature so was out of school a few days - which created a few sleep deprived nights for us and then between Dave and I juggling work schedules... sometimes it feels like too much. However, we started Friday evening off well and met up with Christy/Brad, Sophia and Caitlyn at one of the kid favorite spot's, "PAUSE" which has a great outdoor area and since the weather was beautiful it worked out well. Then as we arrived home our neighbors were having a 'happy hour' session - I can't tell you how lucky we are to have our neighbors. The kind of neighbors you dream of! Since I left work on Friday I haven't thought about it once (until now)... very nice!
OKAY - so about Mother's day... Parker and I got up and had a nice walk to the grocery to pick up a few things - the weather was beautiful. We had a nice brunch over at Scott and Kai's house last Sunday. Then we went to the Rhododendron Gardens for a nice walk through - I can't believe we've been here in Oregon for almost 14 years (Wow - 14 years!!!) and finally made it to a very local garden. It was a beautiful place and such nice weather. As you can see Bailey had fun jumping on the stones in one of the creeks - there are a lot of little lakes and lots of ducks, geese and birds.
We hope all of the mother's out there had a very enjoyable day! Mother's are the best... ;)

1 comment:

amy said...

Such sweet photos! Sounds like a perfect Mother's Day to me.