Saturday, June 21, 2008

I've been letting mom put 'pony tails' in my hair. She still has to distract me for awhile afterwards but I usually will keep them in for a little while now. Mom says I remind her of a doll she remembers having when she was little 'Whoopsie' or something like that. She says when you pressed the doll's stomach in her pig tails would fly up. Mine don't do that!
Okay just for fun - mom googled 'Whoopsie' and so funny! Check this out - do you remember this 80's doll? doll?
I have lot's of new hair bands now too!!!


Carrie Peterson said...

WOw she does look like Whoopsie the doll. Very cute!!

When you have a chance, go over to Luke's blog and check out the lastest entry!

teacherbarb said...

I saw the "Whoopsie Doll" and you really do look like her only cuter! I love when you wear your hair in ponies Bailey Boo! Love , Teacher Barb